According to the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter, “LSSI”),we inform you that page ( hereinafter, the “Web page”,the “website” or “Portal”) It is operated by ESENCIA WINES CELLARS, S.L (Hereinafter EWC, SL) of Spanish nationality, C.I.F number B-73974982, registered in the Commercial Register of Murcia, Volume 2289, Section 8, Sheet MU-55749, and established in Ctra. de El Carche, Km 11.5 with C.P. 30520 Jumilla in Murcia. Also, EWC, SL, is the owner of the trade name Esencia Wines which is registered in his favor.


This Legal warning together with General conditions establish the conditions governing the use of the services of the information society that EWC, SL makes available to users of the Internet through the Website. Aspects relating to the processing of personal data of users due to the use of the Website are governed by the Privacy Policy.

Thus, access to and use of the Website assume that the user (hereinafter the “User”) fully accepts and agrees to comply fully with this Legal Notice, Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy as well as instructions or recommendations

Access to the Website is free except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network provided by the access provider which engaged the user.

EWC, SL, can perform at any time, without prior notice, few variations, changes or modifications of any nature deemed appropriate both on the website and its contents, and can also freely decide, at any time, about the continuity of the services provided through the Portal. In any case, the acceptance of the Terms of Use will be an essential prerequisite to the purchase of any product step available through the Web Site.

The User undertakes to make proper use of the Website, according to the rules of good faith, and not to perform any conduct that could irrogar damages of any kind, to EWC, SL or to third parties. Especially, the user must respect the “copyright” and other identifying data of the holder’s rights and technical protection devices.

Users are fully responsible for their conduct, to access information from the Web, while navigating in it, and after I agree. As a result of the foregoing, the User is solely responsible to EWC, SL and third parties:

1.- The consequences that may result from use for purposes illegal or contrary to this document effects of any content on the Web, developed or not EWC, SL L, or not published under his name officially.


2.- As well as the consequences that may arise from the use contrary to the contents of this document and adversely affecting the interests or rights of others, or that in any way could damage, disable or impair the website or its services or prevent normal enjoyment other Users.

EWC, SL, reserves the right to limit, suspend or terminate access to the Website users who violate these rules of proper use and a tale effect may take it EWC leading to technical measures, SL is not responsible:

-From Proper use that the user can perform the Portal.

-From Content of the linked sites through the links included within the Web Site. The Web site includes links (links) that allow the user to access other Internet pages. In these cases, EWC, SL, and will only be responsible for the contents and services provided on the Linked Sites to the extent it becomes aware of the illegality and has not disabled the link with due diligence.

-The Damages of any kind caused to the user or their teams for failures of any kind in telecommunication networks or connections that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service while providing the same or prior ; or by viruses or other harmful components, or normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, organization or location of the content and / or access to the Web and, in general, errors or problems generated in the development or implementation of the technical elements that the website or a program provided to the user.

-From Access of minors to the content included on the Web, being the responsibility of parents or guardians to exercise proper control over the activity of children or minors in their care or install any of the tools to control the use of Internet in order to avoid (i) access to materials or content not suitable for minors, and (ii) sending personal data without prior authorization from their parents or guardians.

– Of the communications and dialogues in the course of the debates, forums, chats and virtual communities that are organized through or around the Web and / or linked websites, or liable, therefore, for any damage and prejudice Customers suffer or particular users and / or groups as a result of those communications and / or dialogues.

– Errors or delays in access to the Website by the user when entering your information in the order form, the slowness or inability to receipt by the recipients of the order confirmation or any anomalies that may arise when these incidents are due to problems on the Internet, fortuitous events or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of EWC, SL.

– Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, defaced or incomplete transmissions so that no guarantee that the website services are constantly operational.

– Of the errors or damages caused to the website for use of inefficient service and bad faith by the User.

– The inoperability or problems with the email address provided by the user for sending order confirmation.

You acknowledge that the security of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore EWC, SL can not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the user’s computer systems or in their electronic documents and files contained therein.


3.- Intellectual and industrial property.

The intellectual property rights over the disposition of the contents of the website (including sui generis right to the database), graphic design, distinctive signs (trademarks and trade names), programs underlying computer (including codes source), and the various elements that make up the Portal (text, graphics, photographs, videos, etc.) correspond to EWC, SL, and has, in any case, the right of use and exploitation thereof, and in such sense constitute works protected by the legislation in force intellectual property.

The use of the Website by the User in any way involves the transfer of any industrial law of intellectual property and / or the Portal, its contents and / or distinctive signs indicated; therefore, the User expressly prohibited reproduction, processing, distribution, or any other not expressly authorized by the laws of the Web Site, its contents and / or distinctive signs expressed. In any case, the reproduction of elements or contents of the Website made for profit or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.


4.- Cookies policy

EWC, SL, uses cookies only to facilitate navigation, maintain security, verify the identity of the user and ease of use of the Portal. Cookies are installed on the computer hard drive or in the browser memory in the folder configured by the operating system of the computer user to identify files. The User can disable cookies freely, being warned that If, in such case, the quality and speed of service can reduce and even lose access to some of the services offered on the Portal.

The user can set freely and at any time, its privacy settings in relation to the installation of cookies through your browser. These procedures are subject to revision or modification by developers of browsers, so we can not ensure that they fully comply with the latest version available at all times.

For more information about Internet Explorer press Internet Explorer.

For more information about Firefox press Firefox.

For more information about Chrome press Chrome.

For more information about Safari press Safari.

You can find more information about cookies at: o

If the user decides to disable cookies, quality and speed of service may decline.


5.- Applicable law and jurisdiction. Severability

Use of the Web Site and the present legal warning and general conditions are governed by Spanish law and it is understood that the use of the Portal, the parties, the User and EWC, SL, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that it may apply, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Jumilla (Murcia-Spain)

In the event that any provision contained in this Legal Notice is declared invalid, it will proceed to the removal or replacement of it. In any case, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions contained in this Legal Notice.